Snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yielding affected by intensity of cultivation technology. Part I. Pod yielding and quality
Janusz Prusiński Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy (Poland)
Tomasz Olach
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy (Poland)
The exact 2-factor field experiment was carried out, in split-plot design, on the farm at Bodzanówek in the years 2001–2003. The first factor was four bean cultivation technologies: extensive, integrated, semi-intensive and intensive. The snap bean cultivars: Bona, Madera and Presenta constituted the second factor. Each time when the intensity of cultivation technology was increased, a significant increase in fresh pod yield was recorded, especially when accompanied by lower rainfall over vegetation period. The yield of fresh pods obtained in the integrated technology was as much as 84% of the yields recorded in the semi-intensive and 65% in intensive technologies. The cultivars tested differed neither in productivity nor in their specific reaction to the involvement of industrial production means. Differences in the chemical composition of pods of the cultivars concerned the content of nitrates only. An increasing total rainfall over generative development of plants coincided with a decreased content of N in pods; under these conditions the accumulation of nitrates in pods was enhanced by increasing N doses, however the average content of nitrates in fresh snap bean pods did not exceed the applicable standards in any of the technologies used.
snap bean, intensity of cultivation technologiesReferences
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Janusz Prusiń
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy Poland
Tomasz OlachUniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy Poland
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