A multidimensional analysis of variability in agronomic traits for different forms of lucerne (Medicago sativa ssp. media)
Małgorzata Wyrzykowska
iro@uph.edu.plKatedra Hodowli Roślin i Nasiennictwa, Akademia Podlaska w Siedlcach (Poland)
Czesław Stankiewicz
Katedra Hodowli Roślin i Nasiennictwa, Akademia Podlaska w Siedlcach (Poland)
The genetic lucerne forms included in the studies were characterized by: top-inflorescence, prolonged florescence, branched inflorescence or long clusters. The forms came from the collection maintained at the Department of Genetics, IHAR Radzików. The aim of the paper was to analyze 17 forms of lucerne for seed yielding and phenotypic characters, which were typical of the seed crop. The principal component analysis was applied. In order to divide the accessions into homogeneous groups in respect of the level of 11 traits, the hierarchical cluster analysis was applied (both with the k-mean and the Euclidean distance methods). The agglomeration of the lucerne forms into two distinct phenotypic groups was revealed. The most pronounced differences between the groups were found in the following traits: seed crop, number of seeds in one shoot average number of seeds from a cluster, and average number of seeds from a pod. The statistical characteristic of the distinguished groups was done. Based on the results, an ideotype of the form yielding at a level has been defined.
lucerne, seed yield, principal component analysis, cluster analysis, phenotypic diversityReferences
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Małgorzata Wyrzykowskairo@uph.edu.pl
Katedra Hodowli Roślin i Nasiennictwa, Akademia Podlaska w Siedlcach Poland
Czesław StankiewiczKatedra Hodowli Roślin i Nasiennictwa, Akademia Podlaska w Siedlcach Poland
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