The influence of technological factors used during the laboratory production of dehydrated cooked potato on the content of vitamin C

Elżbieta Rytel
Katedra Technologii Rolnej i Przechowalnictwa, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu (Poland)

Agnieszka Tajner-Czopek

Katedra Technologii Rolnej i Przechowalnictwa, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu (Poland)


The aim of this investigation was to determine the effect of different blanching and drying temperatures used during the laboratory production of dehydrated cooked potato on the vitamin C content in semi-product and ready product. Based on the investigation it was stated that the production process of dried cooked potato had the influence on the loss of vitamin C. The largest changes in the content of vitamin C occurred after thermal processes: blanching and drying. The higher the temperature of the blanching, the greater was the loss of vitamin C. The differences in the content of this compound between products from blanching at temperature of 95°C and 75°C were 28%. Pre-drying process had the influence on the loss of vitamin C in potatoes. Potatoes dried at temp. 160°C were containing 51% less of the investigated vitamin than the ones dried at temp. 130°C. Ready dried potato contained less than 1% of the initial amount of vitamin C in the raw material.


dried potatoes, technological factors, blanching, steaming, pre-drying, vitamin C

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Cited by

Rytel, E. and Tajner-Czopek, A. (2012) “The influence of technological factors used during the laboratory production of dehydrated cooked potato on the content of vitamin C”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (266), pp. 65–71. doi: 10.37317/biul-2012-0006.


Elżbieta Rytel
Katedra Technologii Rolnej i Przechowalnictwa, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu Poland


Agnieszka Tajner-Czopek 

Katedra Technologii Rolnej i Przechowalnictwa, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu Poland


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