Prophylaxis against damages made by wild animals in crops

Marian Flis
Katedra Zoologii, Ekologii Zwierząt i Łowiectwa, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie (Poland)


The aim of the research was to present the issues associated with prophylaxis methods for reducing the damages made by wild animals in crops. The prophylaxis should be applied by tenants or managers of hunting circles in cooperation with potential victims of crop damages. Considering the technical aspects of the prophylaxis procedures, three method groups can be distinguished: ecological, mechanical, and chemical. The group of ecological methods leads to a proper adaptation of the number and population structure of animals to the trophic capabilities of their habitats, as well as it includes all activities improving the feeding conditions. Within two other groups of methods, the main principle of the prophylaxis depends on limiting the animals’ access to potentially endangered crops. These methods involve different types of fences or so-called “repellents” that are supposed to efficiently repel, hence making impossible for animals to feed in crops. All above prophylaxis activities are effective if they are carried out on time and in some cases (mainly for mechanical methods) scrupulously and under monitoring.


damages, agricultural cultivations, cultivations protected, wild boar

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Cited by

Flis, M. (2011) “Prophylaxis against damages made by wild animals in crops”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (262), pp. 207–214. doi: 10.37317/biul-2011-0018.


Marian Flis
Katedra Zoologii, Ekologii Zwierząt i Łowiectwa, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie Poland


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