The effects of different active substances in fungicides on yielding of spring barley cultivars expressing diversified genetic base of resistance to powdery mildew

Henryk Bujak
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, Katedra Genetyki, Hodowli Rośli i Nasiennictwa (Poland)

Jarosław Nadziak

BASF Polska, The Chemical Company (Poland)


The effects of active substances contained in fungicides on spring barley cultivars of diversified genetic base of resistance to barley powdery mildew were evaluated. In the years 2006–2007, field experiments were set up at two locations in three variants of fungicide usage, and the same cultivars were sown in a control variant. The fungicides applied in the experiment contained the following active substances: fenpropimorph, spiroxamine and proquinazid. The cultivars represented four sources of resistance: Mlo, Ly, Ar and We. The paper describes yielding, infection by barley powder mildew and reduction of spread of the disease symptoms. Yielding was measured by percentage comparison to a control variant and by non-parametric statistical methods based on the ranks of yield increase as related to the control in particular variants. The infection intensity and reduction of barley powdery mildew were evaluated by the AUDPC measure. The variance analysis revealed significant interaction between the cultivars and the active substances used. The fungicide protection measures used in the experiments were found to significantly influence the cultivars yielding. The fungicides applied reduced the rate of infection of barley cultivars by powdery mildew.


active substances, fungicides, cultivars, resistance genes, spring barley

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Cited by

Bujak, H. and Nadziak, J. (2008) “The effects of different active substances in fungicides on yielding of spring barley cultivars expressing diversified genetic base of resistance to powdery mildew ”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (249), pp. 157–166. doi: 10.37317/biul-2008-0042.


Henryk Bujak
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, Katedra Genetyki, Hodowli Rośli i Nasiennictwa Poland


Jarosław Nadziak 

BASF Polska, The Chemical Company Poland


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