Flora of synanthropic plants of urban biotopes in Olsztyn

Bartosz Tomaszewski

Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy (Poland)


The 14950 floristic data were collected on the urban biotops area in Olsztyn. There were 578 species of the vascular herbaceous plants and seedlings of trees and shrubs. Number of species in the basic area (square units 1x1 1 km) was from 18 (squares 67 and 76 (EB42) to 210 (square 35 (EB52). The synanthropic flora of Olsztyn included 84 families, of which the most abundant species are: Asteraceae, Poaceae, Brassicaceae and Fabaceae (78, 51, 39 and 38 species respectively). The most common life form of plants in the urbanized areas of Olsztyn were hemicryptophytes which constituted over 40% of the flora analyzed. The most numerously represented geographical and historical group in the flora of the urban biotopes of Olsztyn were synanthropic species of local origin, i.e. apophytes, with a clear domination of forest and scrub apophytes. Among the alien species, i.e. anthropophytes, diaphytes dominated, i.e. species that were not permanently established. The occurrence and spatial distribution of particular plant species in Olsztyn in spatial use complexes separated on its area showed a clear numerical predominance of plant species in the transport complex. There were found 466 plant species, which constituted more than 80% of all identified taxa. The greatest number of species in the Olsztyn urban biotopes was recorded within those representing the H4 degree on the hemerobic scale, which included transitional habitats from meso- to β-euhemerobic. Basic fields (squares) were differentiated in terms of such indices as floristic value or floristic distinctness and the indices of: synatropization, modernization and labile flora. The highest value of floristic value and floristic distinctness was found in case of square 26 (EB 52). The highest values of synanthropization coefficient were found in quadrats 35 (EB 52), 26 (EB 52) and 89 (EB 42) – 58. The strongest positive correlation was found between floristic value and number of species and percentage share of anthropophytes in the analyzed quadrats. In both cases Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was high at 0.999.


synanthropization, urban flora, apophytes, anthropophytes

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Cited by

Tomaszewski, B. . (2021) “Flora of synanthropic plants of urban biotopes in Olsztyn”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (296), pp. 53–64. doi: 10.37317/biul-2021-0013.


Bartosz Tomaszewski 
Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy Poland


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