Chemical profile of barley grain as an indicator of value in use

Magdalena Wiśniewska
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute (Poland)


The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between the chemical components of barley grain and its use value. Material for the study comprised on the grain of 2 varieties (Soldo and Planet) and 2 families (STH 3.368 and STH 3.1491) of spring barley, harvested in one year and located in the same climatic area  (ZD HAR Radzików). In the research material the content of nutrients and bioactive compounds was determined as well as the viscosity of the water extract (WEV) of grain, used as an indicator of the functional properties of barley. In addition, the researched genotypes were subjected to malting and brewing evaluation. The obtained results made it possible to evaluate the plant material in terms of its use and the influence of the genotype on analyzed traits. The Planet variety can be recommended as a very good malting barley, similarly to the STH 3.1491 family, characterized by a low viscosity of the aqueous grain extract and a low content of phenolic compounds (TPC), soluble fraction of arabinoxylans (S-AX) and β-glucan (BG). In addition, a high significant correlation was obtained between WEV and the sum of β-glucan and soluble fraction of arabinoxylans (r=0.995**). The content protein, lipids, lignin, fiber, phenolic compounds and soluble fraction of arabinoxylans was significantly conditioned by the genotype.


β-glucan, dietary fiber, nutrients, quality index Q, phenolic compounds

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Cited by

Wiśniewska, M. (2022) “Chemical profile of barley grain as an indicator of value in use”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (297/298), pp. 57–62. doi: 10.37317/biul-2022-0009.


Magdalena Wiśniewska
Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute - National Research Institute Poland


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