The reaction of winter triticale varieties, grown using two levels of cultivation intensity, to Wielkopolska environmental conditions
Henryk Bujak Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu (Poland)
Anna Tratwal
Instytut Ochrony Roślin — PIB w Poznaniu (Poland)
Felicyta Walczak
Instytut Ochrony Roślin — PIB w Poznaniu (Poland)
Within the Post-Registration Trials in Wielkopolska we made an attempt to analyze the effects of interaction between triticale varieties and soil and climatic conditions on yield and 1000 grain weight. The research materials were varieties admitted to experiments in the years 2008–2010. Field experiments with these varieties were established in seven locations (Kościelna Wieś, Nowa Wieś Ujska, Winna Góra, Choryń, Borowo, Bobrowniki, Śrem) at two levels of cultivation intensity – standard (a1) and intensive (a2). For analysis of genotype-environment interactions we selected 10 varieties that were repeated in all the years. Results from all experiments were statistically analyzed according to the method for a series of varietal experiments. We found significant differences in yield and 1000 grain weight of winter triticale varieties, the years and locations differed from each other and we detected a significant genotype-environment interactions at both levels of cultivation. Variety Algoso produced the highest yield in both standard and intensive crop management conditions.
Supporting Agencies
1000 grain weight, cultivar, genotype-environment interaction, winter triticale, yield, yielding stabilityReferences
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Anna TratwalInstytut Ochrony Roślin — PIB w Poznaniu Poland
Felicyta WalczakInstytut Ochrony Roślin — PIB w Poznaniu Poland
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