Evaluation of seedling tolerance to aluminum in BC1 hybrids of (Avena sativa L. × Avena fatua L.) × Avena sativa L.

Anna Skrzypik

Katedra Biologii Roślin, Wydział Nauk Rolniczych w Zamościu, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie (Poland)

Roman Prażak

Katedra Biologii Roślin, Wydział Nauk Rolniczych w Zamościu, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie (Poland)

Maria Chrząstek

Katedra Biologii Roślin, Wydział Nauk Rolniczych w Zamościu, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie (Poland)


Within the genus Avena L., a high interspecies and intraspecies variation exists in tolerance of toxic concentrations of aluminum ions. The purpose of the work was evaluation of seedling tolerance to aluminum in eight of (Avena sativa L. × Avena fatua L.) × Avena sativa L. BC1 hybrid strains. The samples of seeds were germinated on filter paper in Petri dishes moistened with water solution containing Al ions (as AlCl3×6H2O) in the concentrations: 0 (control) and 40 mg dm-3, in acid environment, pH 4.2. The influence of aluminum on the seed germination and on the maximal length of roots, number of roots and the maximal length of leaves of 10-day seedlings were examined. Index of tolerance was calculated by means of modified Wilkins test. Aluminum strongly limited growth of seedling roots, caused increase of their number and less influenced growth of the seedlings’ leaves. Aluminum ions did not influence seed germination. One of the parental genotypes of A. fatua L. nr 73 and the A. sativa L. cultivars — Kasztan, Kwant, Karol and Farys showed the highest tolerance. The hybrid strains showed intermediate tolerance level. Among them, the (Farys × A. fatua L. nr 73) × Farys hybrid showed the highest aluminum tolerance. The least tolerance to aluminum ions was recorded for the A. fatua genotypes denoted with the numbers 75, 77, 83 and 84.



Avena sativa L., Avena fatua L., hybrid strains, aluminum toxicity, seedlings tolerance

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Cited by

Skrzypik, A., Prażak, R. and Chrząstek, M. (2009) “Evaluation of seedling tolerance to aluminum in BC1 hybrids of (Avena sativa L. × Avena fatua L.) × Avena sativa L”., Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (252), pp. 255–261. doi: 10.37317/biul-2009-0073.


Anna Skrzypik 
Katedra Biologii Roślin, Wydział Nauk Rolniczych w Zamościu, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie Poland


Roman Prażak 

Katedra Biologii Roślin, Wydział Nauk Rolniczych w Zamościu, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie Poland


Maria Chrząstek 

Katedra Biologii Roślin, Wydział Nauk Rolniczych w Zamościu, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie Poland


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