Determinants of yield potential of medium-late and late potato cultivars in central-eastern Poland
Barbara Sawicka
barbara.sawicka@up.lublin.plKatedra Szczegółowej Uprawy Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy, Lublin (Poland)
Władysław Michałek
Katedra Fizjologii Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy, Lublin (Poland)
Piotr Pszczółkowski
Stacja Doświadczalna Oceny Odmian COBORU, Uhnin, 21-200 Dębowa Kłoda (Poland)
The analysis of potato yield is based on a field experiment carried out at the Uhnin experiment station in the years 1998-2000. Tuber yield, dry matter and dry matter yield were determined in eleven medium-late (Ania, Anielka, Arkadia, Fregata, Grot, Klepa, Omulew, Rybitwa, Rywal, Salto, Vistula) and five late (Dunajec, Hinga, Jantar, Meduza, Wawrzyn) cultivars. The mineral fertilization was applied before planting in spring, at a constant level, to the soil fertilized with manure in autumn. The health status of seed material was similar (C/A class). The potential yield was calculated using the van der Zaag method, with modification of Mazurczyk. Under the conditions of central-eastern Poland the potential yield of medium-late cultivars could be 35% higher than the actual yield, in case of the late cultivars the difference was 22,2%. The 0.66 ratio of actual to potential yield was sufficient to obtain good yields for cultivars of both maturity groups. The genetic factor strongly influenced the phenotypic variation of dry matter, while the habitat determined the phenotypic variation of tuber yield and dry matter yield. The interaction of cultivars with years affected most highly the yield of dry matter.
potato, cultivar, physiological indices, actual yield, potential yieldReferences
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Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy, Lublin Poland
Władysław MichałekKatedra Fizjologii Roślin, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy, Lublin Poland
Piotr PszczółkowskiStacja Doświadczalna Oceny Odmian COBORU, Uhnin, 21-200 Dębowa Kłoda Poland
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