Evaluation of the usefulness of experimental sites for Post-registration Variety Testing System (PDO) in Lower Silesia

Ryszard Weber

Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa, Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Zakład Herbologii i Technik Uprawy Roli Wrocław (Poland)

Dariusz Zalewski

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, Katedra Hodowli Roślin i Nasiennictwa (Poland)

Andrzej Kotecki

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy Roślin (Poland)

Jan Kaczmarek

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, Katedra Hodowli Roślin i Nasiennictwa (Poland)


In 2004–2006, the stability of yielding of winter wheat varieties was estimated based on the results of Post-registration Variety Testing System (PDO) experiments. The study was conducted at eight experimental sites different with respect to edaphic and climatic conditions. The analysis covered the yields of eleven cultivars in two cultivation variants. The intensive variant differed from the standard one in nitrogen fertilization, which was higher by 40 kg/ha. Moreover, in the intensive variant, full chemical control of fungal diseases, growth factor and foliar feeding of the plants with a multi-component nutrient were applied study. The study was aimed at determining the yield variability in eleven cultivars of winter wheat depending on the environment, and evaluating the usefulness of the experimental localities for macro- and micro-regionalization. The significant interaction of the cultivars with the experimental sites indicated the dependence of yielding of particular genotypes on field location. Changes in atmospheric conditions during the 3-year study, and particularly the water deficit in the vegetation season of plants on lighter soils, resulted in lower yield stability of the investigated cultivars in the environments of Naroczyce, Pawłowice and Laskowice. The high values of the genotype × environment interaction at Naroczyce and Laskowice indicate that these Lower Silesian experimental sites are of particular importance for micro-regionalization. The significant differences in the yields of the genotypes studied at some of the localities suggest the necessity of investigating other cultivars in a number of different environments with a view to define the interaction between the genotype and the environment.

Supporting Agencies

Work carried out as part of the National Post-Registration Variety Experimentation Program coordinated by COBORU


genotype by environment interaction, winter wheat, yield

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Cited by

Weber, R. (2007) “Evaluation of the usefulness of experimental sites for Post-registration Variety Testing System (PDO) in Lower Silesia”, Bulletin of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, (245), pp. 5–16. doi: 10.37317/biul-2007-0019.


Ryszard Weber 
Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa, Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Zakład Herbologii i Technik Uprawy Roli Wrocław Poland


Dariusz Zalewski 

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, Katedra Hodowli Roślin i Nasiennictwa Poland


Andrzej Kotecki 

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, Katedra Szczegółowej Uprawy Roślin Poland


Jan Kaczmarek 

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu, Katedra Hodowli Roślin i Nasiennictwa Poland


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