The content of vitamin C in potato tubers depending on different methods of potato production
Piotr Barbaśład Agronomii Ziemniaka, IHAR — PIB Oddział w Jadwisinie (Poland)
Barbara Sawicka
Katedra Technologii Produkcji Roślinnej i Towaroznawstwa, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie (Poland)
The test results were based on a field experiment conducted in 2007–2009 in IHAR — PIB in Jadwisin on lessive soil with granulometric composition of the loamy sand. Experiment was planned according to the method of drawn subblocks in the dependent arrangement, split-plot, in three replications. The first tested factor were cultivars of potato, Irga and Fianna, factor II, row weed control methods were: 1. object control — without chemical protection and mechanical treatments; 2. extensive mechanical treatments (every 2 weeks) after planting until row closure; 3. Sencor 70 WG — 1 kg·ha-1 pre-emergence of the potatoes; 4. Sencor 70 WG — 1 kg·ha-1 + Titus 25 WG — 40 g·ha-1 + Trend 90 EC — 0.1% pre-emergence of the potatoes; 5. Sencor 70 WG — 0.5 kg∙ha-1 after emergence of the potatoes; 6. Sencor 70 WG — 0.3 kg·ha-1 + Titus 25 WG — 30 g·ha-1 + Trend 90 EC — 0.1% after emergence of the potatoes; 7. Sencor 70 WG 0.3 kg∙ha-1 + Fusilade Forte 150 EC — 2 dm·ha-1 after emergence of the potatoes; 8. Sencor 70 WG — 0.3 kg·ha-1 + Apyros 75 WG 26.5 g·ha-1 + Atpolan 80 SC — 1 dm·ha-1 after emergence of the potatoes. Spraying og the plants with herbicides was consuming 300 dm·ha-1 of water. Harvests of tubers were performed when technical maturity of the potato was reached. Vitamin C content measurements were performed according to the Tillmans’s method. Genetic factor decided largely about the value of this trait. Higher content of vitamin C was found in medium late cultivar Fianna than in medium early Irga. The influence of weed control systems on the content of vitamin C was dependent on weather conditions during the years of research.
potato, cultivars, weeding control methods, vitamin CReferences
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Piotr Barbaś
Zakład Agronomii Ziemniaka, IHAR — PIB Oddział w Jadwisinie Poland
Barbara SawickaKatedra Technologii Produkcji Roślinnej i Towaroznawstwa, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie Poland
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