The analysis of grain yield of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) infected by powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei)
Janusz Kozdójład Biotechnologii i Cytogenetyki Roślin IHAR Radzików (Poland)
Dariusz R. Mańkowski
Zakład Nasiennictwa i Nasionoznawstwa IHAR Radzików (Poland)
Henryk J. Czembor
Zakład Genetyki i Hodowli Roślin IHAR Radzików (Poland)
Results of analysis are presented for plant and ear morphological structure and components of grain yield per plant in two forms of spring barley: susceptible (Pallas cv.) and resistant (isogenic line P13) to powdery mildew. Analyses of some morphological traits of plant as stem length, total number of stems per plant, number of productive tillers per plant, number of unmatured tillers per plant, number of dry tillers per plant investigated at the ripening stage, showed no differences between these two forms of spring barley. Morphological structure parameters of ears as ear length, total number of spikelets per ear were also similar. Grain yield per plant of the spring barley forms was determined by productive tiller number per plant (r = 0.82). The grain yield per plant of Pallas (susceptible to powdery mildew) in comparison with isogenic line P13 (resistant) was significantly lower, by 36.8 per cent, and was caused by lower of grain number per plant, by 34 per cent and significantly lower, by 4.1 per cent single grain weight.
grain yield, powdery mildew, spring barley, variability, yield componentsReferences
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Janusz Kozdó
Zakład Biotechnologii i Cytogenetyki Roślin IHAR Radzików Poland
Dariusz R. MańkowskiZakład Nasiennictwa i Nasionoznawstwa IHAR Radzików Poland
Henryk J. CzemborZakład Genetyki i Hodowli Roślin IHAR Radzików Poland
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