Effect of genotype and contrasting climate conditions on physical and chemical characteristics of soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill)
Lech Boros
Department of Seed Science and Technology, Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization - National Research Institute,05-870 Radzików. Poland (Poland)
Anna Wawer
Department of Seed Science and Technology, Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization - National Research Institute,05-870 Radzików. Poland (Poland)
Magdalena Wiśniewska
Laboratory of Quality Evaluation of Plant Materials, Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization - National Research Institute,05-870 Radzików. Poland (Poland)
Danuta Boros
d.boros@ihar.edu.plLaboratory of Quality Evaluation of Plant Materials, Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization - National Research Institute,05-870 Radzików. Poland (Poland)
Global warming has increased interest in growing soya in Poland. Variable weather conditions during the vegetation seasons, however, still make its cultivation potentially risky. In this study we wanted to assess how contrasting climate conditions influence on seed yield, 1000 seed weight and other important physical traits, as well as on contents of nutrients, dietary fibre constituents, trypsin inhibitor and phenolic components in nine soybean genotypes of different earliness. The field experiments were conducted in two consecutive vegetation seasons at Radzików, located in central Poland. Comprehensive seed characteristics of physical and chemical traits allowed to identify the best varieties for different end-uses, food or feed. A significant effect of variety and year of cultivation were observed for all evaluated traits. With the exception for the length of vegetation period, seed yield, seed coat and soluble non-starch polysaccharide content, significant interactions between variety and year of cultivation were found for the remaining traits. Weather conditions, such as very low precipitation with an average temperature above the multi-year average temperature in the month of July, when pod and seed is in full development, had a negative effect on all seed traits evaluated, regardless of variety earliness.
soybean, seed yield, cooking properties, nutrients, dietary fibreReferences
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Lech BorosDepartment of Seed Science and Technology, Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization - National Research Institute,05-870 Radzików. Poland Poland
Anna WawerDepartment of Seed Science and Technology, Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization - National Research Institute,05-870 Radzików. Poland Poland
Magdalena WiśniewskaLaboratory of Quality Evaluation of Plant Materials, Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization - National Research Institute,05-870 Radzików. Poland Poland
Danuta Borosd.boros@ihar.edu.pl
Laboratory of Quality Evaluation of Plant Materials, Institute of Plant Breeding and Acclimatization - National Research Institute,05-870 Radzików. Poland Poland
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