Yielding stability and adaptation of spring barley cultivars to the conditions of Poland
Tadeusz Oleksiak
t.oleksiak@ihar.edu.plPracownia Ekonomiki Nasiennictwa i Hodowli Roślin, Zakład Nasiennictwa i Nasionoznawstwa, Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin w Radzikowie (Poland)
Dariusz R. Mańkowski
Pracownia Ekonomiki Nasiennictwa i Hodowli Roślin, Zakład Nasiennictwa i Nasionoznawstwa, Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin w Radzikowie (Poland)
Interaction of genotypes with environment (determined by soil quality, agriculture technology level, climate) makes a choice of correct genotypes for breeding difficult and influences future cultivation effects. Estimation of yielding stability in changeable production conditions may be useful for choice of genotypes adapted to specific climate, soil or agriculture technology. The aim of this study was estimation of spring barley yielding stability basing on results of farm survey research within the years 1992–2003. There were following differentiating factors: geographic region of cultivation (according to COBORU), soil quality (soil class and soil acidity), agriculture technology level (mineral fertilization and chemical control). Genotype-environment (G×E) interaction analysis was made using the Sheffé-Caliński mixed model and the Caliński-Kaczmarek joint regression model. Calculations were made using the SERGEN 3 computer program. On the basis of the analyses, the investigated spring barley cultivars were grouped into two classes; yielding stable, considering the agricultural point of view (reacting proportionally to a change of cultivation conditions), and unstable ones (showing significant interaction with environment). The unstable varieties where divided into three another groups: intensive ones (reacting with yields higher than proportionally to more favorable conditions), extensive ones (reacting with yields relatively lower than proportionally to less favorable conditions) and those reacting irregularly to the environment (we are not able to describe the reaction by any linear regression function).
survey research, stability analysis, genotype-environment interaction, spring barleyReferences
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Tadeusz Oleksiakt.oleksiak@ihar.edu.pl
Pracownia Ekonomiki Nasiennictwa i Hodowli Roślin, Zakład Nasiennictwa i Nasionoznawstwa, Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin w Radzikowie Poland
Dariusz R. MańkowskiPracownia Ekonomiki Nasiennictwa i Hodowli Roślin, Zakład Nasiennictwa i Nasionoznawstwa, Instytut Hodowli i Aklimatyzacji Roślin w Radzikowie Poland
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